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Careers and professions of the future

We certainly cannot guess the future, nor the parameters that affect it. We can however, with the help of scientific data, design a plan that will better prepare our professional future. The labour market and its demands are important, and should be taken into account when making decisions regarding professional orientation. However, these are not the principal factors that should be considered. In this article, we will review which occupational areas will thrive based on the predictions of how the labour market will develop as well as our country’s strategy and planning.
In recent years, the most important sector of the Cypriot economy is that of services, for which the evidence available has shown to be promising, demonstrating that this sector will retain its position in the years to come. It is therefore expected that the majority of future job openings will be in this sector.
Due to the expected economic recovery, the construction sector is expected to experience annual growth. For this reason, professions such as those of the architect and the mechanic will also experience an increase in demand. Associated with this sector are also activities that concern sustainable energy and energy-efficient buildings. Experts in these fields will therefore be required to actively participate in economic growth and development.
Occupations related to the green economy, such as environmental consultants, are expected to be in demand due to the state's strategy as regards to the environmental sector. It should be noted that the European Union has set a target to develop this field, regarding both research and implementation issues, in the next few years. As a result, more practical professions relating to such matters will also be in demand in the labour market, such as related specialists for installation and maintenance of wind turbines and/ or solar panels.
Simultaneously, the blue economy is also expected to grow in the upcoming years. This term (i.e. blue economy) refers to professions related to the sea and the activities that it contains. Blue economy professions may involve specialised staff, graduates, or service employees.
The IT and technology sector is another area that is expected to maintain the increased demand that is already present. Modern business structure requires the introduction of technology in various forms. It is known that scientific knowledge and discoveries can be applied to almost all areas of business in order to better their efficiency. It is obvious how basic computer and technology skills are essential to all those who want to succeed in the field of their employment.
Services relating to legal and accounting activities will continue to be the most demanded as a result of implements in the economy of Cyprus. Generally, the professions that are expected to have the greatest activity are those related to trade and services.
Alongside this list of services are activities in hotels and restaurants. Relative positions, such as assistant chef, waiters and bartenders, will continue to similarly grow in demand. Given the expected increase in tourism, the related services will be extended.
Another important sector is the health sector. It is worth noting the admission of new types of professions in this sector, such as occupational therapy. In addition, the demand for nursing home services is already showing a significant increase.
More generally, jobs now address, and will continue to address, graduates of higher education. The increasing demands for job positions, as well as the complicated form they take nowadays, require candidates to be able to adequately respond and cope with these.
In conclusion, it is important to mention that it is not sufficient for an individual to be specialised in only one particular field of study or activity; it is equally important for us to constantly expand and widen our awareness and knowledge. Skills such as foreign languages or knowledge of new computing programs are also greatly important in the effort of finding work for future generations. This demonstrates why people competing in the labour market are highly encouraged to continuously and systematically invest in their knowledge and the development of their personal skills.
Anna Michael MSc, GCDF
Senior Career Counsellor